Contact us by Email, Mail, or Telephone
We take our customer care very seriously. While our aim is to make our website easy to understand and navigate, we know there are times when you may need some assistance.
We strive to make are customers happy. We want to keep you coming back year after year to fish Lake Erie with us. If you can not return year after year, we hope that your success and the companies reputation will lead to referrals. Referring others to Sweet Escape Charters is my best form of advertisement and will allow others to experience success fighting the fierce smallmouth bass and catching that deliciously tasting walleye or perch.
We have provided a number of ways for you to reach us.
- Telephone
Please mail deposits to the following address:
Sweet Escape Charters
c/o Todd Enders
2459 Spore Brandywine Road
Bucyrus, Ohio 44820
For more information on fishing with Sweet Escape Charters please contact us at:
Sweet Escape Charters will do its best to respond to you within 24 hours. All email correspondence is completely confidential.
Please call 419-563-6439 (c) to have your questions answered and to schedule your trip today.
Please remember that I am a school teacher. If you call during school hours, please leave a message and I will return your call at the end of the school day. Also during fishing season, our cell phones do not work the best on Lake Erie, so please leave a message and I will return your call at the end of my trip.